28 May 2019

CDS integration: record filtering

When you configure Common Data Service (CDS) integration, record filtering is used to define which rows to sync. However, it is not obvious how to properly configure filters, especially when Advanced Query is enabled. Below is the "proper" way to define filters, discovered after multiple calls/emails with Microsoft Support.

Small hint: you could use new portal instead to configure your CDS integration settings of the old one, even though it is still in preview.

Filtering without Advanced Query

Click on filter icon next to "Source", enter required criteria, for example:
my_field eq 12345You can find more information about syntax here.

Filtering with Advanced Query

Even though you could edit filtering values via "_url_" or using Advanced editor on "QrySourceData" and apply them in Advanced Query window, they will not work when the integration project will be executed. Below is the "proper" way to define filters.

Find the column you need to filter on, click on dropdown button, then click on filter icon.

Provide required filtering criteria, click OK to close the form. 

Remember to click Save button on the bottom of Advanced Query window and another Save button on top of field mapping window, else your changes will be lost.

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